Primary Benefits of Live-In Care for Seniors

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Live-in home care is one of several options families have for making sure their senior loved ones receive the help they need to age in place safely and comfortably. As you explore your options for care, you’ll want to consider your loved one’s current health status along with the needs you anticipate him or her having in the future. Then you’ll want to compare how these benefits of live-in home care could help your loved one meet those needs along with new ones that could arise as he or she ages.


Stay in a Familiar Environment

Many senior care options require moving to a residential facility. Although this might be preferable for seniors who lack safe housing, most older adults prefer to age in place. Arranging for a live-in caregiver can be especially beneficial for older adults with Alzheimer’s disease, since being in a familiar environment helps with memory retention.


Reduce Fall Risks

Simply moving to a new environment increases your loved one’s fall risk, since people tend to rely on body memory to avoid obstacles in their paths. By now, your loved one likely knows the way through his or her current home well, and this can be a major advantage as vision loss sets in. Live-in caregivers also assist with tasks such as getting in and out of bed and personal hygiene, which further reduces your loved one’s risk of falling at home.

When researching agencies that provide homecare services, Annapolis families are usually looking for flexible care plans, compassionate and highly trained caregivers, and 24/7 availability. Whether you need respite care to take a break from your caregiving duties or your senior loved one needs around-the-clock assistance at home, you can rely on Assisting Hands Home Care.


Continue Caring for Pets

Senior care apartments and other residential communities tend to prohibit animals. Having to give up a beloved dog or cat could be devastating for your loved one, and it’s common for seniors to feel depressed if they can no longer have pets. Staying at home allows your loved one to continue to benefit from having a pet that loves and depends on him or her. Live-in caregivers can also help with feeding pets along with taking them to vet visits.


Lower Stress for Family Members

If you’ve been the sole caregiver for your loved one up to this point, you might be skimping on sleep. Alternatively, you and your other family members might be exhausted from trying to synchronize your schedules or worrying about times when your loved one is home alone. Live-in caregivers do take breaks and have designated hours for sleeping, but these can easily be covered by a second caregiver or managed by someone in your family. Knowing a professional is responsible for your loved one’s care the majority of the time relieves stress, which allows you to enjoy your time with your loved one more.

Though you may be researching multiple agencies that provide senior home care services. Assisting Hands Home Care Annapolis has much to offer your family and your elderly loved one. We are leaders in the senior home care Annapolis  industry, offering around-the-clock assistance from reliable, experienced caregivers. Trust Assisting Hands Home Care Annapolis to help your loved one enjoy a happier and healthier life in the golden years.


Provide Consistency with Care

Assisted living facilities tend to have rotating groups of staff members who might see seniors on different days. One of the biggest benefits of hiring a live-in caregiver is that your loved one will develop a closer relationship with the caregiver who boosts your loved one’s social, emotional, and physical health.

Some seniors only require help with a few daily tasks so they can maintain their independence. However, those living with serious illnesses may need more extensive assistance. Luckily, there is professional live-in care Annapolis seniors can rely on. Home can be a safer and more comfortable place for your loved one to live with the help of an expertly trained and dedicated live-in caregiver. To schedule a free in-home consultation, call Assisting Hands Home Care at (667) 226-9360 today.